We spend so much of our pregnancy focused on the upcoming birth of our babies!! And rightly so... it’s an amazing experience that wisdom can only help. Once our babies have arrived, we’re met with a lot of parenting! There’s diapers and sleeping, and crying and snuggling... and Breastfeeding!
Most Prenatal Classes will touch on breastfeeding, and health campaigns will explain the benefits. In THIS comprehensive class we will explore the system of breastfeeding and milk supply. You will learn practical strategies to get the best start to breastfeeding. Beyond this basic education, you will also learn how to ensure efficient breastfeeds, will Understand how intertwined sleep and breastfeeding are, and how to ensure the very best milk supply you could have!
Other topics:
Prenatal preparation
Anatomy of breastfeeding
Skin to skin magic
The first hour, day, week and month
The most effective latch
The system of milk production
Breastfeeding management
How to make the most milk
Tricky times and how to manage them
What to do when things don’t seem right (pain, frequent feeds, slow weight gain, baby won’t latch, and more)
You may have already had your baby, only to realize that you wish you knew more. Please join us prenatally or in the immediate postnatal period! This class will help prepare you and will also help you catch up if needed. Prenatal participants are also welcome to join the class again once baby has arrived!
To register, please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/breastfeeding-101-going-beyond-the-basics-tickets-55986041758